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GreenGaiaEssentials Blogs

Superfoods for Healthy, Glowing Skin

A superfood is classified a nutrient rich food that is very beneficial to your overall health and well being. Adding superfoods to your diet can give you beautiful glowing skin! Chia seeds have gained popularity in the last few years and that’s due to them being one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids. [...]

By |2023-03-01T01:58:33-05:00April 13th, 2017|Healthy Eating, Organic Health|Comments Off on Superfoods for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Valentine’s Day Pancakes

Valentine's Day is all different shades of reds and pinks with anything and everything that can be. Most items that we ingest - food, candies, medicine, toothpaste, etc - use Red #40 as the coloring agent in it. Red #40 is the most common dye used. Unfortunately, even though the FDA approves the use of [...]

By |2023-03-01T01:59:21-05:00February 14th, 2017|Healthy Eating, Organic Health|Comments Off on Valentine’s Day Pancakes

Relax & Refresh

Are you daydreaming about a spa day, but finding the money or the time to take yourself somewhere seems daunting? Relax and pamper yourself at home with items already in your kitchen! Revitalize your hair with items like honey, olive oil, egg yolk (set aside the egg whites for later!) and melted coconut oil. It [...]

By |2023-03-01T01:59:46-05:00September 11th, 2016|Organic Health|Comments Off on Relax & Refresh

Yoga In the Office

Life is sometimes a whirlwind with a job, family and social life. For the majority of full-time employees, a 40-hour workweek (or more!) is standard. Many of these jobs require an extensive amount of sitting. Prolonged periods of stagnancy over time can create issues within the body. Not moving around makes it difficult for the [...]

By |2023-03-01T02:17:12-05:00September 8th, 2016|Fitness|Comments Off on Yoga In the Office

Preserved Harvest

Fresh herbs and veggies from the garden is a treat during the summer and missed during the winter months. The next best thing to eating straight out of a personal garden is enjoying a preserved summer harvest! Herbs Drying Herbs are one of the easiest to preserve, and the easiest way to preserve them is [...]

By |2023-03-01T02:02:57-05:00September 6th, 2016|Gardening, Healthy Eating|Comments Off on Preserved Harvest

Dead Sea Clay

Dead Sea Clay comes from.... you guessed it! The Dead Sea. This clay is rich in minerals like sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, and calcium. These minerals are wonderful for your skin and help to make it healthy. We use Dead Sea Clay in our Detoxifying Clay Mask because not only does it help to remove [...]

By |2023-03-01T02:03:10-05:00August 29th, 2016|Detoxify|Comments Off on Dead Sea Clay

Moroccan Rhassoul Clay

Rhassoul Clay is a naturally occurring clay, originating in Morocco, that has been used for centuries. It is formed as a result of natural geothermal processes and volcanic activity making it is very rich in minerals. Rhassoul comes from the Arabic word for washing, “Rhassala.” The reason we love using this in our Detoxifying Clay [...]

By |2023-03-01T02:03:16-05:00August 26th, 2016|Detoxify|Comments Off on Moroccan Rhassoul Clay

Kaolin Clay

White kaolin clay is often found naturally occurring in rain forests because it forms from chemical weathering of rocks in hot, moist climates. Kaolin clay is a major active ingredient in most facial and skin products, scrubs, body powders, deodorants, and poultices. While white koalin clay is primarily used in cosmetics, there is also pink [...]

By |2023-03-01T02:03:20-05:00August 23rd, 2016|Detoxify|Comments Off on Kaolin Clay

Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is composed of volcanic ash, and because of that, contains a lot of minerals and nutrients and offers a lot of healing properties. The largest source of Bentonite Clay is found in Fort Benton, Wyoming, which is where is gets the name Bentonite from. Most of the world's supply of Bentonite clay comes [...]

By |2023-03-01T02:03:26-05:00August 19th, 2016|Detoxify|Comments Off on Bentonite Clay

Birch Oil

The birch tree sometimes referred to as The Lady of the Woods because of the lightness, charm and elegance and the enchanting aroma it gives off after rain. Birch essential oil which is also known as sweet birch oil has been used for years because of its healing properties. It's been used topically because it [...]

By |2023-03-01T02:03:31-05:00August 13th, 2016|Organic Health|Comments Off on Birch Oil
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